Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I don't have much to 'blog' about anymore, nothing that twitter doesn't sufficiently cover already.

I get my car tomorrow and the baby puppy is getting his first grooming.(thank goodness)

That's all.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Perusing my dailies, I came across some REALLY good articles today.

Here are some links:

'Colbert' wins with the most votes for the name for the addition to the Space Station, any viewers of The Colbert Report who have been keeping up with it probably have seen him advocating for his name to be added onto it... hilarious. Here's an article

Here, a Thai fireman was creative enough to dress-up as Spiderman in efforts to coax an Autistic boy to safety ... check it

Now for the most interesting of links is about a man who survived both atomic bombings in 1945 - this one is worth reading

That is all.
Unless you care about the Wunder Boner

Stephen Colbert White House Correspondent's Dinner