Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Do I look sick here? It's because I AM! My nose is so raw it hurts to press a tissue under it.My lips are bright red and cracked and I cough everytime I breathe through my mouth, which sucks because I can't breathe through my nose. I hope this is just a cold, like Heath had last week. I'm taking antibiotics for good measure and drinking lots of tea. I just finished my speech, sorta. I am meeting with at least one member of my group this afternoon to talk about how our speeches are going to mesh together. Did I mention our group sucks? Nicholas and I can't get the other three people to cooperate at ALL and it is really frustrating. I have written three pages of my critical analysis. Basically, talked about New Historicism and touched on one piece from Feminist. Still have to cite examples from the anthology as explanations of the schools themselves, and I need an introductory paragraph, which I will do last, and which will be a page long if I want to make Dr. Lowe happy. Then, tonight, I am going to study for that beast of a final. whew. We'll see. The three essay question final for GST is due at midnight Thursday and my analysis is due at noon on Thursday. And my self-review for speech isn't due until 5 on Thursday... so I'm going to focus on this midterm and this speech for now. Try to knock out things as they come to me. haha. Presentation for GSTs are today and thursday, maybe the green snot and my greasy hair will help me get out of that. Doubt it. Ha.

whew, it needs to be friday already (and hopefully I'll feel better by then!)

On another note, it is super cold and dry and overcast (well it was yesterday, at least) and it reminded me of Alaska... and being super sick just fell into place. The only thing that was missing was bleeding windburn on my hands. Hahaha.

I took my Psych final and turned in my final assignment in that class yesterday. I think I did okay. My nose was running so I finished the exam in like 15 minutes tops... but who knows. That's either really bad or really good... Only time will tell!