Monday, November 23, 2009


It's break time!

Let me re-cap last week (or the important parts of last week)....
First of all, Monday night I was so sick it was ridiculous. I am examining that last entry and I can't for the life of me remember when I wrote it. I mean, it says Tuesday a.m... which may be true... Here's what happened: I worked on that critical paper a little and I made notecards for the Final that was on Wednesday. I went to class at noon and I was so tired from getting hardly any sleep on Monday night that I ended up taking a nap. About an hour and a half of nap-time in, I decided to get to work. I guess it suddenly hit me how much preparation I had left for the Final exam. So I started studying hardcore. I had two essays to write and I was really struggling with inspiration for them... so I studied at Tolliver then went home and then went back to Tolliver around 8, and then I went home and studied a little more and then met Luke up at Crescent City around 1 or so (it was open 24/7 for Finals week) ... and we left there at like 9. I was barely awake, I had really been fighting sleep all night. Got to school for the speech and this one guy in our speech told us he had no idea he was going first and Nicholas and I got so frustrated. Our group hadn't put forth initiative all week, but this kid took the prize. He had emailed me confirming he'd be at our meeting on Saturday at noon, then answered the phone after being asleep at 1 to say he could drive from monroe if we needed him, so that's how sharp his crayons were. Our speech wasn't great, but I was just worried about that final. After I was done with the final I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I came home, showered, and immediately went back to Crescent City where I literally stayed until 9 the next morning. Juliet and Ashlee studied with me (other English majors), and Nicholas came by for a little bit. We were all freaking out trying to finish the paper. I got it finished, went to campus and proofread and turned it in before I had to go do a short presentation in GST. I had been hallucinating all night long, and I hadn't eaten since Monday. I was SO.TIRED. I kept "realizing" where I was and I kept having trouble focusing on thoughts. Kamel Reds were by BFFs during that bender. whew. The worst part came Thursday night. I still had three essays to write and submit by midnight as part of my GST final exam. But, at 4 a.m. I woke up asleep on the couch, cuddling my laptop, with only one written. Crap. was closed to any more submissions. Sooo, i wrote really quickly and submitted it to her via email. It SUCKED, but now I'm mostly nervous because I made an A on the midterm and an A on the paper... if I don't get an A in the class it will have been because of those three essays that I could have easily aced had I written them earlier, or had I gotten some sleep.
I'll have my grades tomorrow, and I'm so nervous.
this was the hardest quarter I've ever had... so I'm really glad it's over. I was really submerged in school work all quarter, only time will tell if it paid off.

For now, I have a wicked toothache so I'm going to sleep.
Decorating for Christmas this week! Yahooo!!